I really appreciate of the incident this evening. Allah still gives us the oppurtunity to live. We nearly hit by a car (HILUX). That time, the rain is heavy and that car is speedy. But Allah fated that the car hit the divider instead of hit us. Yet, a spatter of mud hit our clothes and my face.
I still feel guilty towards him as we did not drop by to see his condition. The rain is heavy and the road is jammed. Maybe we are too nervous. Tachycardia for a while perhaps. But looking from the side as we passed by, he seems ok. Yet, we did not whose fault. I hope to hear about his news tomorrow.
Maybe it's a reminder for us. I was happy enjoying the meals before the incident. If Allah wants to take our life, He may do it only a while.
The most saddest part is I did not feel 'anything', only the 'driver' felt nervous but after I watched this video, tears rolled down. Only then I realized, I must really appreciate my life.
let's pray for adik Ahmad Mahir Baihaqi bin Che Amran (RAIHAN)...
Antara dua pilihan
3 years ago
2 teguran:
lama dulu pernah terbaca pasal adakah kita ni worthwhile to be saved, rasa macam gerun juga bila berbicara tentangnya, bagaimana Allah masih lagi bagi peluang untuk kita menikmati hidup sebagai hamba dan daie, tp kita masih berkira2 utk bekerja di jalan Nya.. fuhhh
huh..really shame...x layak pun tp insyaALLAH mga terus diberi kekuatan utk terus bergerak di jalanNya
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